Law Entrance · August 1, 2022


CLAT 2022- Question Paper Analysis

This year CLAT was conducted offline and there were no technical glitches reported. At the outset, the paper looked reasonably lengthy but can be called decent in its approach. The difficulty level of the exam was easy to moderate. The section-wise analysis is as follows-

Current Awareness- Arguably the most scoring section, this section was moderate to difficult. There were a total of 35 questions divided into 7 passages with 5 questions in each passage. Passages were mostly from significant current events like India-China disengagement, Sagarmala, Deep Ocean Mission, etc. Mostly the passages were from space, arms, and environment however, all of contemporary relevance. Just like in previous years, questions on static GK were redundant. Some questions could have been answered by merely reading the passage but that could have been a little risky thing to do. A good score would be 23+.

Logical Reasoning- This section was relatively easy than the others. The questions mostly revolved around finding the central idea and looking for inferences. The passages were short with a decently easy read. The passages ranged from misuse of POCSO to online education. A good score would be something around 22+

English- This section was on expected lines and there were no surprises. In a total of 6 reading comprehensions, questions asked were mostly about identifying the tone, inferences, and the central idea. There were vocabulary-based questions too. A person who had practiced RC passages properly would have easily scored 22-24 marks but 25+ marks would be normal to score in such a paper.

Legal Reasoning- This section was found to be lengthy but the difficulty level was from easy to moderate. There were passages from the Law of Contracts, Family law, Constitutional law, and Environment law. It was expected from a student that they must be familiar with common legal terms for easy understanding of the passage and certainly, the questions. A decent score would have been something around 28-30 but anything above 25+ is workable.

Quantitative technique- The questions were on popular topics like percentages, ratio and proportion. There were no visual data sets (graphs, charts) just like last year. The calculations were easy and this section was very doable. A student who has thoroughly practiced by attempting mock tests or sectional tests would have been able to solve them easily. A good score would be 8-12.

The paper was found to be doable with fewer surprises this time. Attempting at least 110+ questions would be a good number of attempts. After analyzing the exam, it is clear that the key to cracking CLAT is to focus on a better comprehensive understanding. It is also important that students should work smartly. More than trying to complete the whole syllabus, it is crucial to know the topics you don’t have to study for. Time and again, the exam pattern is getting only more and more predictable. Thus, it becomes very significant to go through the past year’s papers in order to understand the type of questions that can be asked.

Rest assured, don’t dishearten yourself if you did not get a good score. What matters the most is that you worked hard and your efforts will never go wasted. To be on the safe side, there are many brilliant private colleges that accept CLAT scores, it is advised to start applying there. Moreover, focus on other law entrances which are going to happen in the near future and perform your level best. All the best!

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