Daily Current Affairs · December 3, 2024


MLC Daily Current Affairs – 03 December 2024

Today in History (December 3rd,1884)

Rajendra Prasad born on 3 December, 1884, in Ziradei (in the Siwan district of Bihar), was an Indian independence activist, lawyer, scholar and subsequently, the first President of India.
He joined the Indian National Congress during the Indian Independence Movement and became a major leader from the region of Bihar. He was so greatly moved by the dedication, courage and conviction of Mahatma Gandhi that as soon as the motion of Non-Cooperation was passed by Indian National Congress in 1920, he retired from his lucrative career of lawyer to aid the movement.

Let’s Revise

Q.1) When was the International Labour Organization (ILO) established?
a) 1915
b) 1919
c) 1923
d) 1927
Answer: b)
Explanation: The ILO was established in 1919 as part of the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I.

Q.2) What significant event marked the establishment of the ILO?
a) End of World War I
b) The Great Depression
c) The founding of the United Nations
d) The Industrial Revolution
Answer: a)
Explanation: The ILO was established in 1919 as part of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I.

Q.3) Where is the headquarters of the International Labour Organization located?
a) New York, USA
b) London, UK
c) Paris, France
d) Geneva, Switzerland
Answer: d)
Explanation: The ILO is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

Q.4) When did the ILO become the first specialized agency of the United Nations?
a) 1945
b) 1946
c) 1947
d) 1948
Answer: b)
Explanation: The ILO became the first specialized agency of the UN in 1946.

Q.5) How many member states does the International Labour Organization have?
a) 150
b) 160
c) 175
d) 187
Answer: d)
Explanation: The ILO has 187 member states.

Q.6) What is the unique tripartite structure of the ILO?
a) Governments, employers, and workers
b) Governments, NGOs, and workers
c) Employers, workers, and students
d) NGOs, governments, and employers
Answer: a)
Explanation: The ILO is the only tripartite UN agency that brings together governments, employers, and workers.

Q.7) Which major report is NOT published by the ILO?
a) World Employment and Social Outlook (WESO)
b) Global Wage Report
c) World Social Protection Report
d) Human Development Report
Answer: d)
Explanation: The Human Development Report is published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), not the ILO.

Summary of Today’s News

“New crimes, old tools”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted the increasing problem of cybercrime in India, such as digital frauds like digital arrest, and non-consensual intimate deepfakes.
New Class of Criminals
• Unlike traditional criminals, those behind organized digital frauds are not just financially desperate but represent a sophisticated new class using various tools.
Vulnerable Telecom Infrastructure
• The telecom infrastructure is not equipped to handle the massive volume of fraudulent calls and messages, providing a breeding ground for cybercrime.
Sophisticated Techniques
• Cybercriminals use advanced techniques that stay ahead of law enforcement and security systems, making it difficult to catch them.
Local Police Involvement
• Some fraudsters have strong relationships with local police in key areas, allowing them to operate without fear of punishment.
Grave Consequences
• The impact of cybercrime is severe, with thousands of people at risk of losing their savings through deceptive calls or messages.
Government Action
• It is encouraging to see the government addressing this issue from top level and calling for decisive action from law enforcement.
Need for Prosecution
• Merely discussing the problem is insufficient; aggressive prosecution with transparency and publicity is essential to deter cybercriminals.
Opportunity for Breakthroughs
• The rising number of cybercriminals is a challenge, but it also presents opportunities for breakthroughs in investigation and securing convictions.
Public Awareness
• Raising public awareness about cyber fraud methods and encouraging skepticism can help prevent people from being scammed.
Digital Services and Security
• As the government promotes universal banking and digital services, ensuring these do not become vulnerabilities for users is crucial.
Non-Consensual Deepfakes
• The misuse of AI for creating intimate deepfakes is a serious issue, but familiar tools like awareness and preventive measures can combat these new crimes.

India re-elected to U.N. Peacebuilding Commission

In News
• India has secured its re-election to the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) for the 2025-2026 term, reaffirming its commitment to global peace initiatives.
About UN Peacebuilding Commission
• Established in 2005, the UNPBC is an intergovernmental advisory body that supports peace efforts in conflict-affected countries.
• It brings together key stakeholders, including UN agencies, regional organizations, and civil society, to develop comprehensive strategies for post-conflict recovery and peacebuilding.
India’s Contributions to UN Peacekeeping
• India is one of the largest contributors of troops to UN peacekeeping missions, with thousands of Indian peacekeepers deployed in various conflict zones.
• India is a significant financial contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget.
• India actively engages in diplomatic efforts to promote peace and stability, particularly in its regional neighborhood.

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