Daily Current Affairs · July 10, 2023


MLC Daily Current Affairs

Today in History (July 10th, 1962)

On this day, in 1962, the first communications satellite to transmit live television signals and telephone conversations across the Atlantic Ocean, Telstar 1 was launched by NASA.

Summary of Today’s News

Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023
A Parliamentary Committee examining proposed amendments to India’s Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, has endorsed the amendment Bill. The Bill seeks to amend the 1980 law to clarify its applicability and encourage plantation cultivation on non-forest land. However, objections have been raised regarding the dilution of forest protection and concerns over defense purposes and environmental integrity. The amendments were introduced in March and have faced opposition from various quarters. The committee’s report will be presented in the Parliament during the upcoming Monsoon Session starting on July 20. The Forest (Conservation) Act of 1980 (FCA, 1980) became effective on October 25, 1980, to address the issue of deforestation and conserve the country’s forests and their resources.

Namami Gange
Under the Namami Gange Programme, efforts have been made to clean and rejuvenate the Ganga River in India since 2014. In collaboration with the National Mission for Clean Ganga, the Wildlife Institute of India and the Ministry of Forest have been running a turtle breeding and rehabilitation center in Varanasi. The turtles help by clearing waste and debris from the river, and thousands have been released since 2017. The initiative has contributed to improved water quality, and further analysis is being conducted to assess the long-term impact on the turtles.

Russia-Ukraine crisis
Cluster munitions, or cluster bombs, are canisters containing numerous smaller bomblets. They can be dropped from aircraft, launched from missiles, or fired from various weapons. The Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) bans their use, stockpiling, production, and transfer in most countries. However, some nations, including the United States, Ukraine, and Russia, have not joined the convention. Using cluster munitions against civilians may constitute a war crime.

Performance Grading Index
The Performance Grading Index for Districts (PGID) report from the Education Ministry reveals that the pandemic has led to a decline in the educational performance of many districts in India. It assesses the school education system at the district level, with districts categorized into grades based on their performance. The report aims to help identify gaps and improve performance at the district level.

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