Law Entrance · March 2, 2024


What are the recent trends in CLAT exam difficulty level, and how should candidates adapt their preparation strategies?

CLAT Exam difficulty level

According to the analysis of our experts at Manu Law Classes who had gauged CLAT exam papers for the last 5 years, the difficulty level is between easy to moderate. Talking about CLAT 2024, our experts have categorized this exam difficulty as moderate where current affairs were the easiest section while quantitative techniques were of moderate to difficult level.  However, the difficulty level of the exam can vary from year to year. Other than that, there is no standard answer for the difficulty level as the same can also depend on individual factors such as preparation, familiarity with the exam format, and personal strengths and weaknesses. So, some students with good preparation may find exams easy compared to those students who have weaker preparation.

Preparation strategies

Nonetheless, one thing is for sure the CLAT exam is not one of the toughest exams for students to prepare for, but definitely, it is definitely one of the most competitive exams where maximum students are well-prepared, and because of that, the cut-offs go high in even paper with a moderately difficult level. The only way to clear this exam is through having rigorous preparation strategies that are foolproof and guarantee you the success that you deserve. Therefore, to secure a good rank in the CLAT exam, students should focus on unique strategies. Some key trends and strategies for candidates to adapt their preparation are:-

  1. Dynamic question patterns- The uniqueness of the CLAT exam is that they love to trick questions by making them fall into the trap that the questions they are asking are totally new and the students are not aware of that. In fact, it is only a method to bluff students because in the CLAT exam, the subject matter of the questions is almost similar and only the pattern of asking the question is shuffled and changed. Thus, it is advisable that students should focus more on the conceptual.
  2. More Emphasis on Critical Thinking: With the change in the CLAT exam pattern, the recent CLAT exams have placed more emphasis on critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills. CLAT does not merely check your knowledge but also tests your analytical and application-based skills. To do good with these skills, students should find logic in what they are studying and try to apply the concept to find the answer rather than just jumping to the conclusion without logical application of the mind.
  3. Balanced allocation of time for each subject: As we know the CLAT exam has five sections for students to focus on, and each section has particular weightage, students should not leave out any section altogether from its preparation. All five sections should be prepared properly and proper time allocation should be given for preparation for each section. This will ensure that students can outperform those students who only focus on those sections in which they have their comfort zone.
  4. Mock tests- Lastly, there is no escape from mock tests and practice. Attempting full-length mock tests provides students with first-hand experience of facing the exam preparation and solving questions promptly. Moreover, the mock test series at Manu Law Classes ensures that every mock exam paper is different from other mock test papers so that students can get a taste of different types of questions and are prepared to expect the unexpected.

By adopting these few preparation strategies, students can enhance their chances of success in the CLAT exam. Regular practice, strategic planning, and staying updated with recent developments are key to achieving a good score and beating the fear of difficult exam papers. All the best for your CLAT exam preparation! Feel free to reach out to us at any time at +91 9971444054, or +91 9971335561, and Manu Law Classes will be happy to help you.

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