5000+ questions to practice from the Question
Bank created by NLU students & renowned experts
Price: 65000 INR(inclusive of GST)
Courses details
More than 4000 static GK MCQs, fully explained-covering History, Geography, Science and Technology, Economy etc duly supported by corresponding lessons
1000 Chapter wise fully explained MCQs on Constitution of India including on Constitutional Development, FRs, DPSPs, Union and State Executive, Judiciary, etc.
70 Curated passages, each followed by 5 to 7 fully explained MCQs introducing you to basic facts of India, enhancing simultaneously your critical reasoning abilities
More than 500 fully explained frequently asked questions
Mandatory English improvement Module based on leading case laws, world renowned autobiographies, editorials etc developed by well experienced in-house permanent faculty
Special online workshops by the founders and retired judges/Ex ASGs to complement and consolidate your learnings
Unlimited Viewing - Backup of live lectures
Access to state of the art LMS, for online practice, performance tracking, updates, regular communication and resolving doubts within 24 hours